Cloud Content Management

Cloud Content Management Software for the Healthcare Industry

A man accessing files on his phone and his laptop by using a Cloud Content Management Software for the Healthcare IndustryStore and Share Multiple File Formats in One Easy to Manage Cloud System

A sound content management system can increase efficiency and employee effectiveness in the workplace. It can streamline processes, making it easier for employees to manage, upload, and share relevant data. Even with the advances in technology, a lot of patient data is still documented on paper. With StowPoint, we can help you alleviate the burden of paper files- in one convenient system. Our content management software is HIPPA compliant and will store any of your documents, images, videos, and audio file formats in one secure location. StowPoint is the only content management system you will ever need.

Fragmenting your database typically leads to losing time looking for important documents as the information is scattered across various applications. That's why office managers and providers in the healthcare field are looking for ways to consolidate their images, videos, and audio files all under one software solution. With StowPoint’s cloud storage functionality, not only can you set individual permissions, your staff will even be able to access your database remotely if that's what you need. StowPoint can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems as well, meaning that there's no need for a large-scale overhaul of your software and workplace processes. 

Cloud Content Software Management Solutions That Solve Your Operational Inefficiencies

Like medical equipment and medical supply providers, vision, hearing, and vet providers also have important information that needs to be managed and easily accessible for reviewing or sharing. StowPoint’s software can provide the following workflow improvements for healthcare organizations:

A man typing on a laptop

Business Efficiency

There’s no need to invest in multiple solutions to house all the content needed to support a patient - StowPoint can store it all.

You can upload and save all your documents, files, images, videos, and audio files in one secure place.

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A man sorting through a file cabinet

Workflow Efficiency

StowPoint streamlines the process of patient management down to one software for the user who is trying to either store new documentation or find existing documentation.

This also means faster ramp-up time for a new hire, because they only have to learn the content management aspect in one software.

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You can purchase StowPoint in either a SAAS model or premise-based. For businesses that do not want to maintain their servers and storage, Universal Software Solutions will host the database of your content in a powerful and secure cloud.

Conversely, if your operation prefers to keep data onsite, use the premise-based model.

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